Over the last few weeks I have been discussing the use of Rapid Fire rules in conjunction with our huge WWII collection. I like the period and the rules lend themselves to the “Grand Manner” feel with hundreds of vehicles and troops engaged. Normally we use our own flavour of rules however I wanted to give these a try. The hard decision was choosing a theatre!

The Shermans storm the bridge head.

So the decision was “Crossing the Rhine 1945” this is based on the successful British operations Plunder and Varsity. The game promises something a bit different with much late war equipment on both sides.

For those players who like an exciting game there are the Para drops. If German armour is your thing, well late war, there will be some really punchy stuff on the table. For those with a more methodical mind there are the Allied land forces exploiting after crossing the Rhine.

The game promises to be a fast flowing exciting game. For those unfamiliar with the rules experienced umpires will be on hand to help out.

The game will be an all day event, starting at around 0930 and lasting until approximately 1700.

The cost will be as an introductory fee of just £50 which will include lunch and teas and coffees.

Spaces will be limited so please ensure that you contact us straight away to ensure you place.