Here is the first public Chain of Command Campaign weekends with a series of linked battles set during the Blitzkrieg through France in 1940. Featuring enganements between French Forces and the BEF, attempting to stop the German assault Columns. There will be up to 5 games over the weekend culminating in a huge engagement. All applying a blend of CoC and Big CoC.
Month: March 2018
Bautzen, can you take on the challenge of the Russians in thwarting the French. Will you as Ney smash through the Russian flank and put them to flight.
Sir John Moore’s army is isolated and begins it’s retreat to Corunna, meanwhile Wellesley has agitated for another landing and is successful. Four Divisions are disembarked at Coimbra. Wellesley then marches to join Moore towards Vigo. The French are screening the retreat of Moore and napoleon has sent orders for the French main army to advance West and destroy Wellesleys force.
A game derived from a campaign week at the WHC. An extremely interesting affair. Lots of good troops on both sides.
Here is a great chance to play out not one but two of the pivotal battles of the Napoleonic Wars.
Can you hold off the Prussians as the Iron Marshal, or beat Napoleon into submission with Prince Hohenloe.