Good afternoon Generals,
Here is the second instalment from the Leipzig game and there’s still loads more to come. Just hover over the photo for a brief summary of the image.
First there is more action around Lindenau as the Austrians look to cut off the escape for the French.
At the eastern end of the French Line there is a lot more action as the French Heavy Cavalry from the reserve move into play.
Just a quick pointer here, I have three regiments of cavalry for the Neapolitan troops here at the Centre, one is this Dragoon regiment. It was a job to find any info on them, however I am reliably informed that they appear in Eltings Vol III. While they may have only existed on paper, they are a rather nice looking unit and add a certain flare to the normal French Dragoon look! I hope you all like them. The figures are French Dragoons from Elite Miniatures
At the North western end of the battlefield around Mockern the battle rages on with the cavalry from both sides getting stuck in!
The majority of the figures here are from Connoisseur Miniatures great figures with some real possibilities for conversions.
These beauties are from the Bicorne Miniatures range
This is a lovely vignette/command stand created by none other than Doug Mason. The figures were originally from Connoisseur Miniatures, Doug has heavily converted them however.
These are from the Front Rank Miniatures stable, I have to say they are beautiful castings, never any flash and a real pleasure to paint.
The battle for the centre of the southern front starts to pick up pace as the battle for the Village of Probstheida develops.
These figures are from the Reinforcements by Post chaps, an excellent service and a fine finish!
More on this in the next few days!