Over the last few weeks there have been an increased level of interest in the Peninsular period of our Napoleonic games. As a result I am currently planning some one day games which for not just our In the Grand Manner rules but General de Brigade and Black Powder. One day games will allow some of the smaller games to be played here that are not possible over a weekend and with a change of rules, this will add to the variety.

In the meantime here are a range of piccies from our previous Peninsular Games for your delectation!

Elite miniatures Highlanders painted by Steve Little and based by Stephen Scott, the flags are by GMB Designs, although these are not the latest versions.

These heavies are from the Elite miniatures range although they have been converted heavily by Bill Gaskin, they are no in the collection of Philip Marshall

Elite miniatures again

These plucky lads are from the Connoissuer Miniatures range under Bicorne Miniatures all painted by Doug Mason

More British from the Connoisseur Figures range, lovely models.

Dragoons are from the Connoisseur range

These lovely Guardsmen are from the Front Rank miniatures range and have been painted and based by Dave Docherty from One man and his Brushes fame.

I’ll be bringing more in the next couple of weeks, with new dates in the diary for the one day games. These will include WWII, Marlburian and ACW. so stand by!