Good afternoon Gentlemen, I have had a cancellation for the coming one day game this Sunday. So let me know if you fancy fighting your way through France, we will be using the Rapid Fire rules for the day.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Well last weekend e conducted the first of our Leipzig weekend battles, this was the Battle for Wachau and Markleeberg, the thing was that one of the chaps, Andy Mott brought some of his own work along. Andy isn’t a professional painter as such but he very well could be.

These are Front Rank Miniatures these really take the brush well and Andy certainly does that well as you can see with the next few images.

These are from the stable of Perry Miniatures

Andy has done an even better job with these I believe, I couldn’t resist putting them up on the website.

Thank you Andy, they were a pleasure to behold!