Okay it’s been a while since we ran a WWII game of the Large variety here at the WHC. So we thought what better than to open up to the public one of our ’44 Battles.

Battles such as Arnhem…..Market Garden or indeed some of the Fighting in Northern France around Caen.

We had a little “in house” game a couple of years ago and John….AKA the guy that brought you D-Day, Arnhem and Goodwood Demonstration games at Salute each year is now bringing these delightful models to the Wargames Holiday Centre.

The first weekend will be on the 16th – 18th January 2015. If you want to take part just drop me a line through the contact form and I’ll send you all the info.

Don’t delay….you know you have always dream’t of rolling out 8-10″ Tanks over a Battlefield 420 square feet!

The rules are based on Crossfire with suitable adaptation for Tanks and large scale actions.