Over the last few weeks I have been trying out a new method of battle reporting with some short video. Taken during key parts of the battle, these may only show a minute or two of the game as I didn’t want to bore people with my monotone droning voice.
Connoisseur Miniatures French infantry painted as Neuchatel infantry, ( I know there wasn’t that many of them, but they look good right?).
The “Youtube” site will allow you to subscribe to the WHC channel, ensuring you get updated each and every time I post a new video. So you really can maintain a realtime view of the battles as they happen.
Landwehr from the Elite Miniatures range, moving into a village during our recent 1815 linked battles week.
Hopefully the video link on the Wargames Holiday Centre website will allow you to view this one and then subscribe to the channel.
These are a firm favourite at the Wargames Holiday Centre, Connoisseur Miniatures French painted as the “Irish Legion”.
Right I am off to refight Arnhem now, will 2 Para hold out until relieved? You’ll know if you subscribe to the channel….;-)
See you again Monday