Sadly I don’t have anything that would constitute a Halloween display, so I thought I’d share a snap shot of some more of Doug Mason’s work.
This small vignette shows the French Imperial Marshal Bessieres, charging at full tilt toward the enemy at the head of the Heavy cavalry serving under the Emperor Napoleon. In this case the Zastrow Cuirassier.
The figures used here are originally Connoisseur Miniatures, the Dragoon is a French Line Dragoon officer, while the model for Bessieres was a Grenadier a Cheval figure.
This weekend I am hosting Leipzig, which lasts for three days. So the Pic of the day will be resumed on Monday with an update on the recent GdB weekend with Borodino.
In the meantime I have a few teasers from the British Heavy Cavalry converted by Bill Gaskin.
I will bring you more on this regiment in the near future.
See you all again on Monday.
Wagram, the conclusion.
Over on the French right, the arrival of Marmont and the Guard cavalry emboldened the Armee of Italie and a general advance ensued. The retiring Austrian line troops broke under the pressure and ended up pinning the Reserve cavalry hastening to the scene. While this all remained pinned for a while it eventually came good and saw off the Guard cavalry Lights and some of the Line cavalry, thus saving the Austrians allowing them to retire in something of a good order.
On the Austrian right, the two Line Corps were under more pressure from the Saxons, the cavalry melee had seen off most of the Saxon heavies, while the remaining French reserve cavalry pushed on into the Austrian lines. The Austrian Right was teetering!
In the Centre the village of Aderklaa was the climactic point of the game, a regiment of Neapolitan Chasseurs formed up and charged the 6 pdr battery supporting the village while the columns of the Young Guard and the Old Guard marched resolutely into the volleys coming from the village. The Guard fired a huge volley at effective range and with a cry of “Vive Le Empereur!!” charged headlong into the village.
The defending Austrian battalion held it’s fire until the French were within effective range then let them have it! The volley took out over 100 men (8 figures) across four young guard battalions, still the French came on! The first round of melee saw the Austrians win, the French morale held, the second round saw two battalions of Old Guard and one more young guard supporting, while the Austrians threw in four more fresh 48’s…the luck of the dice saw the Austrians lose this round and their morale held! Te final round saw the Austrians throw in a final 48 man battalion, after this final round the French had still won by 2 figures and the Austrians broke…..the French had taken the village, but at what cost? Over the six battalions of Guard involved, nearly half were lost, but the battle was a win for the French, the Austrian Emperor would surely sue for peace now!
A great game with some fantastic players, lot of new players as well with some really refreshing tactical choices which really threw the older hands! The Austrian left, attacking with the Reserve corps was a masterpiece which very nearly came off, the Austrians held the opposing bank for a few hours before deciding that discretions was the better part of valour.
The Imperial Guard advance!
The Reserve artillery in the shape of one of the 12pdr Batteries had already exacted a heavy toll on Massena’s corps, it now steeled itself to stop the advance of the Guard.
Bernadotte’s Corps of Saxons were pushing harder on to Klenau and Kollowrath on the Austrian far right, the cavalry melee was still ongoing.
The casualties in Aderklaa mounted as the French brought their batteries to bear, the garrison took enormous punishment before it was decided to step back in good order and allow a replacement in to meet the Guard.
The battle on the Austrian left saw the French begin to push them back across the Russbach, this time the casualties would mount on Marmont’s Corps and what was left of the Armee d’Italie.
In the centre the Austrian’s were moving their Cavalry to help stop the advance of the Guard, it was still going to be a tight guess as to who would win this battle.
The culmination will be brought to you tomorrow.
Wagram continued.
The Austrian reserve corps had failed in driving in the French right, the timely arrival of Marmont and the Guard cavalry helped facilitate this, so now was the time to press the attack from the French point of view and Aderklaa seemed the best option.
On the French left, Bernadotte, supported by regiments from the Cavalry reserve were pressing Kollowrath and Klenau. The huge swirling melee’s of cavalry surging to and fro across the entire flank!
The Austrians saw the inevitable mass of the Guard and manoeuvred their reserves to block the path, any spare troops were brought to the Aderklaa area, could they stop them?
The Austrians on their far right began to fall back and form a second line, making the village of Aderklaa an even greater breaking point!
Without pause the forces of Bernadotte forged ahead, the battle began to take on more casualties, whole battalions being cut down during the melee on the Austrian right.
A close up of the Hungarians, a lovely paint job. Elite miniatures really add to the painters ability. There is a lot of relief on the figure allowing ease of painting.
In the centre of the battle the duel across the Russbach intensified a little when a regiment of Hussars moved across the bridge hoping to draw the French away from their retiring infantry.
I’ll bring you the culmination tomorrow.
The Austrian line remained fairly static, the only onslaught was on the left, the Reserve and an Austrian Line corps pushing across the Russbach.
The Grenadiers and Cuirassier got across the stream, with the Uhlans in support.
The villages of Gunzendorf and Leopoldsdorf came under direct assault, the Grenadiers took around 20-30% casualties crossing the stream but still they pressed on!
The Line corps to the right of the Reserve Corps pressed the attack across toward Gunzendorf and Grosshofen, to no avail, casualties and disorder saw them disintegrate gradually, allowing the French to slip some of their light troops across the stream and harass the advancing Austrian line.
After some fierce fighting the Grenadiers secured a foothold on the southern bank of the stream in Leopoldsdorf.
Troops were hurried forward to support the success. The troops on the southern bank began to feel the pressure though, Marmonts corps had arrived and was marching to support the beleagured Army of Italy! The numbers were mounting and to cap it all, Napoleon had sent the Guard cavalry to help smash the Austrians.
The Austrians certainly were not going to take any of this lying down though!