Please note I will not be hosting any Public events from 31st January 2023. Nothing too drastic from our side, just need a break.

I’ll be providing updates when we’re back, here and on my social media platforms.

Thank you for all the custom and friendship this has brought me to date.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon, both new and old customers.

In the western sector the Russian Guard and Line Corps smashed into the ranks of Teste’s division and the the Young Guard, the first attack was stopped, but there were huge casualties in the ranks of the Young Guard and the Dresden Garrison was rushed forward to help defend the gardens of the suburbs. The cavalry of the French Imperial Guard, a shadow of it’s former self, prepared to sell itself dearly to cover any retreat.

Cuirassier and Carabinier

Cuirassier and Carabinier from the French I Cavalry Corps.

Figures from Connoisseur.


A lone Squadron from Latour Maubourg's Reserve Cavalry Corps, prepares to sell itself dearly.

Chasseurs et cheval

The Chasseur's a Cheval from St Cyr's Corps.

In and around the Gross Garten the fighting continued, the Young Guard division had acquitted itself very well, holding out to twice it’s number of Prussian’s and Austrian’s! The Heavy cavalry from the Reserve issued forth from the suburbs around the Garden, to be met by the Austrian Cuirassier of the Reserve.

The defence continues.

The defence of the Gross Garten continues.

More figures from the Connoisseur Miniatures range, while the Austrians are all Elite Miniatures.

A Battalion of Grenzer

One of the Grenzer Battalions approaches the outer walls of the Garden.

To the east, near the Pirna gate, the Old Guard attempted to gain some semblance of order. As they struggled in the mass of retreating French and German troops they came under artillery fire. The Prussian’s were streaming into the suburbs of the city and any fighting would now be close at hand!

The Grenadiers

The Grenadiers of the Old Guard rally for the impending onslaught.

Figures from Connoisseur Miniatures.

The final point tomorrow.

The Russian forces began to close on the French to the west of the battlefield, the cavalry melee’s were less intense and the rain had stopped!

The troops in the west.

The Young Guard hold the line against the advancing Russian hordes.

The Young Guard in the fore ground are from Elite Miniatures and are their Fusilier Grenadier (Middle Guard) model. Nearly all the Russians are Connoisseur Miniatures.

In the central southern plain the Austrian forces advanced.

Pajol's Dragoons

Pajol's Dragoons lose their melee to overwhelming numbers of Austrian Hussars.

The remaining cavalry from both sides fought out their individual clashes.


The Austrian Hussars rally.

The French cavalry were getting the worse of it now due to the vast numbers of Allied cavalry.

Saxon Garde du Corps

The Saxon Garde du Corps thunder into the action.

Figures from Connoisseur Miniatures, pretty much as they are, lovely models.

The volleys crashed into the Russians to the west of the river, but still they came! The Young Guard waited for the inevitable Hurrah!!!

French Cuirassier

French Cuirassier from Latour Maubourg's Corps face the Austrians.

Figures painted by Doug Mason.
In the eastern sector the Prussians were making headway over the Landgraben, the French had the Old Guard division deployed here to support the Young Guard defending the Gross Garten but the pressure was beginning to tell! The troops were getting pinned more frequently and were unable to deploy freely. Still they stood their ground.

More tomorrow.

The fighting to the west of the river continued unabated, French Guard Cavalry smashed into some of the Russian Line cavalry, while the guns from the Guard Horse artillery from both sides poured death upon the combatants!

French Guard Horse Artillery

French Guard Horse Artillery, supporting their mounted brethren.

Figures by Connoisseur Miniatures

Guard Chasseurs and Russian Dragoons

Guard Chasseurs and Russian Dragoons fight to the death.

The red ring denotes an Officer casualty, the Chasseurs are Connoisseur Miniatures, while the Dragoons are Hinchliffe.

The cavalry melee’s went on for several turns on this side of the battlefield. Allowing the Dresden Garrison, Teste’s division and Rouget’s Young Guard division time to deploy into their defensive positions.

Russian Infantry forced into square

Russian Infantry forced into square

The figures are from Elite Miniatures.

Pavlov Greanadiers

Pavlov Greanadiers await the order to advance again.

Figures from Connoisseur.

Russian Line

Russian Musketeers and skirmishers look to the enemy.

The Musketeers are from Foundry, while the skirmishers are from the Connoisseur Miniature range.

Russian Line

More of the same battalion.

As above
Over in the centre, the cavalry melee’s had ceased, both sides retiring to lick their wounds and reform. Thus allowing the Austrian infantry a chance to take the Gross Garten from Curial’s Young Guard.
Austrian Reserve

Austrian Reserve, Hungarian Grenadiers move forward.

Figures are from Elite Miniatures.

The troops in the Gross Garten would have to defend from two or three faces of the Gardens.

Into the Gross Garten

The Austrian Line leads the way into the Gross Garten.

The Austrians are from the Elite Miniatures range they include some of the specials that they used to do.
Prussians Manoeuvre outside the Gross-Garten

Prussians Manoeuvre outside the Gross-Garten.

Cavalry are from Connoisseur Miniatures

The first attempt from the eastern side.

The first attempt from the eastern side..

The Prussian’s made a very concerted attempt to get into the eastern Gardens in the Gross Garten. The fighting raged back and forth, first the outer Garden was lost and the Prussian’s held the ground. The French counter attack then pushed them back out!

Fighting intensifies

Fighting intensifies

The Prussian's hold.

The casualties mounted on both sides, still the French held the Garden's central plaza.

In the eastern sector of the battlefield the Prussian’s attacked and took the outlying suburbs. This resulted in the Grenadiers of the Old Guard being sent to recapture them. The fighting resulted in many Guardsmen being cut down and still the Prussians held the villages.

Prussians in the eastern sector

Prussians in the eastern sector.

The crossing of the Landgraben proved tricky in the most northernly part of the battlefield, with the Prussians being thrown back repeatedly. Elsewhere the Prussians had more success, however they were now coming up against more and more of the Old Guard.

Into the Suburbs.

Attack of the Old Guard in the Eastern suburbs of the city.

The fight was intensifying along the whole front, it would soon be a make or break moment!

More tomorrow,

As the rain started the firing began to lessen. The Russian advance on the western bank of the River began to pick up. To counter this the French Guard Cavalry moved forward to threaten the first of the Russian Line infantry formations, with the heavy rain the breakthrough against infantry was on a +4 and if it continued for three or more turns any infantry in the open would not be firing at all!

Young Guard in the Garden.

Young Guard in the Gross Garten.

The figures are from the Connoisseur Range, Young Guard, the guys in the background are the same figure, just done as Hesse Darmstadt. Great to paint!

Another angle on the Garden

Another angle on the Garden, these are Elite miniature figures

Elite miniatures French infantry, the command stand is an old Foundry French Marshal Davout and ADC.

In the Centre the troops on the Gross Garten steeled themselves for the advance of the Austrian and Prussian formations. They would be delayed in the south purely as a matter of the cavalry melee’s, both sides waiting for these to be resolved!

Mounted Grenadiers of the Guard

Mounted Grenadiers on the western bank of the River about to engage the Russian Cavalry.

The cavalry melee’s here were immense, whole regiments were thrown into the fray, the French winning some and the Russians winning others, back and forth the battke raged with neither side giving an inch…..and still the rain poured down!

Early in the day on Saturday

The start of the fight, showing the cavalry moving out early on the Saturday morning.

Eventually a break came for the cavalry and they managed to breal one of the Russian squares!

Polish Lancers break a line square

Polish Lancers break a line square!

All the figures in the foreground are from the Connoisseur range. These are being revamped with all the moulds being re-tooled. The castings are excellent.

To the west, the Prussians had less to contend with as there was only some light cavalry to intervene. however the rain was making things difficult!

The Prussian advance.

The Prussian's advance steadily into the driving rain!

Still the fight was to take shape with a lot more photo’s for next week.

Have a good weekend!

In the centre of the southern front the French awaited the inevitable onslaught. To delay these matters somewhat the French I Reserve Cavalry Corps thundered across the plain toward the Austrian reserve.

The Gross Garten

The defenders in the Gross Garten await the combined Austro Prussian forces.

The Centre

The French central defence manned by the troops of St. Cyr's Corps.

The French Cuirassier

The French Cuirassier of the I Cavalry Corps advance.


The light Cavalry of St.Cyr's Corps.

The Russians to the West of the river advanced resolutely toward Teste’s division and the Dresden Garrison, which was forming up to defend the French Western approach to the City.

Russian Guard

The Russian Guard begins it's advance.

Russian Hussars

The Russian Hussars screen the advancing Russian Divisions.

These formations were bolstered further by the resplendent French Guard Cavalry. This was going to be a tough nut to crack!

Polish Lancers

The 1st Regiment, Polish Lancers of the French Imperial Guard.

More tomorrow.

Dresden 1813, St.Cyr had fortified the city, and there was a huge ornamental garden in the suburbs of the city named the Gross-Garten. The army of Bohemia under Schwarzenberg had arrived at the city and attacked. Napoleon wasn’t here and the agreement among the allies was to only engage if this was the case.

The Battalions of Colloredo advance.

The Battalions of Colloredo advance toward the Gross Garten.

The first day saw the Austrians, Prussians and Russians engage the Corps of St.Cyr, during the day however Murat arrived with the French cavalry reserve along with Napoleon and the Imperial Guard. There was a small amount of combat due to the indecision of the Allies on whether to attack or withdraw.

Forced into Square

The Austrian infantry forced into Square before the Gross Garten by the Heavy Cavalry of Latour Maubourg..

The battle at the Wargames Holiday Centre replays the action on the second day, the French have Two Corps present, two young Guard Divisions, Two Reserve Cavalry Corps and the Old Guard divisions, along with the Guard Cavalry. Opposing them is The Army of Bohemia under the Three Emperors. This comprises, three Austrian Corps, Four Prussian divisions, two Russian divisions and the Illustrious combined Guard of the Russians and Prussians.

Gyulai's Grenzer

Some of Gyulai's Grenzer, west of the Gross Garten.

Our opening of the Battle saw the Russian Guard deployed on the east bank of the Weisseritz river, the Austrian and Russian line Corps along the southern side of Dresden from the river to the Gross Garten, then running to the North west of the Landgraben were the Prussians.

Austrian Reserve

Some of the Austrian Reserve, twelve pound Batteries and Grenadiers.

Latour-Maubourg I Cavalry Corps, along with Pajol’s II Cavalry Corps sprung forward from the west side of the Gross Garten and began to advance on the Austrian and Russian Line. The Prussians began their advance across the Landgraben, the troops of Victors French Corps leapt forward to capture the suburbs North of the Gross Garten. On came the Prussians!

French Line Lancers

French Line Lancers move to engage the Austrian Lines.

In the Centre the French Cavalry forced the Austrians into square and very nearly caught one of the Austrian 6pdr batteries, it only just escaping the Vistula Lancers! At this point a light rain bagan to fall, reducing visibility and fire power. The ground began to soften and the charge distances were slightly reduced.

Garde du Corps

Saxon Heavies from Latour Maubourg's I French Cavalry Corps.

The rain rules reflected the heavy downpour experienced on the night of the first day and on into the second. The rain could turn to Heavy and further hamper firing, so much so that after three consecutive turns of it all musket/rifle fire would cease until the rain lightened. This could really cause problems for the infantry in the vicinity of Cavalry.

Austrian Hussars

Austrian Hussars move forward to engage the French Cavalry.

More tomorrow.