Please note I will not be hosting any Public events from 31st January 2023. Nothing too drastic from our side, just need a break.

I’ll be providing updates when we’re back, here and on my social media platforms.

Thank you for all the custom and friendship this has brought me to date.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon, both new and old customers.

Here is a lovely looking Elite Miniatures Austrian Hussar squadron. Painted by Doug Mason back in the day, they are all slightly tweaked, have been pinned and certainly look great.

Austrian Hussars.

Austrian Hussars looking to outflank the French.

German Infantry

German infantry painted and based by Chris Cornwell.

Here’s some Elite Miniatures Austrian Infantry, the flag is a GMB Designs, the best out there in my honest opinion! I also think it’s worth pointing out that Chris has come up with a very simple, yet effective way of painting white. He uses army painter soft tone over white then highlights heavily wth an off white. I think they look fantastic.

More tomorrow