Please note I will not be hosting any Public events from 31st January 2023. Nothing too drastic from our side, just need a break.

I’ll be providing updates when we’re back, here and on my social media platforms.

Thank you for all the custom and friendship this has brought me to date.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon, both new and old customers.

The position of the outbuildings at Papelotte means that things get hot quite early, so with the French pushing hard things can get tricky. The key for the French is to effectively clear the skirmisher buildings then they are free to move onto the main assault.

Sometimes its best to try and shoot the skirmishers out of the buildings but if you are in a hurry you might want to risk an assault…

Pressure at Papelotte

You need to get the range right, if you are too close unpleasent things can happen!

But you need to make sure that you place your guns in the right place, if they are too close to buildings and other artillery you tend to get a nasty pasting… these guns where just too close and took hits from lots of happy allied gunners…

Pressure at Papelotte

if we can’t shoot them out we will charge them out!!

If you choose to charge your battalions into the buildings you only fight with the maximum occupancy of the building, so in this case 6 skirmishers against 6 Frenchmen… with the occupants getting an advantage on the dice rolls, so it can be risky!

Pressure at Papelotte

The French attacks on the skirmisher buildings outside Papelotte are repulsed…

Pressure at Papelotte

the allies breathe again as the French bounce off all of the skirmisher buildings…

Well first blood to the allies, the first attacks on Papelottte are repulsed but I’m sure they will be back!